Your Consultation
Your Nutritional Consultation
When you first book an appointment with me, you will be sent a comprehensive questionnaire to complete prior to the consultation. You can also download one below, if you prefer. Please complete this questionnaire as fully as possible, as this will save time during the consultation, which usually takes about an hour. I will, however, spend time clarifying your main aim for the visit and reviewing your questionnaire in depth. You will also have the opportunity to add other information that you feel is relevant or that you had forgotten to include.
Having gained a full case history, I will then explain what I feel are some of the possible causes to your symptoms, and we can make changes to your diet that you feel are realistic and achievable to help alleviate these symptoms and improve your energy and vitality.
You will be able to take away with you an action plan together with some general nutritional information. If I feel that supplements would be beneficial, I can order them for you, if you wish, and they can be delivered directly to your home address.
Shorter follow-up consultations usually take place after about one month, and then depending on progress, at 6 to 8 week intervals.
To achieve best results, it is advisable to commit to a minimum of three appointments so that progress can be thoroughly reviewed and the necessary adjustments made to your programme.
Nutritional Consultation Prices
Initial 1hr consultation - £80
Follow-up 45 minute consultation - £60
Why not commit to a block of three consultations for the discounted price of £185, payable in full at your first appointment.
Your Nutrigenomics Consultation
Please See Nutrigenomic testing page for more information.
If you have completed your 23andme test and want help with interpreting it, I offer nutrigenomic consulations either face to face at one of my clinics or as a Skype/telephone consultation, if you do not live in the Cheshire area.
I have a special package for those wishing to take advantage of nutrigenomic testing, using the 23and Me test. Additional work is needed to analyse the 23andme raw data.
An initial 90 minute consultation and 2 x hour-long follow ups (the latter can be more frequent and shorter depending on the support you need)
2.5 additional hours to analyse 23andMe results and prepare a report
Total of 30 minutes e-mail/contact time between the three consultations
Where do I get the 23andme test?
The 23andme test can be ordered directly from me at an additional cost. Please contact me for details or click this link.
Functional tests
It is important not to treat the polymorphisms (snp’s) found on the genes, so you will need to budget for appropriate functional tests to help clarify whether the polymorphisms are expressing or not. I have found that the most useful test is the ONE test or NutrEval test
– both are available on the testing page of this site. Other functional tests may also be appropriate and these will be discussed with you during your consultation.
Nutrigenomics Consultation Price
Nutrigenomics Package - £520
Your Heartmath Coaching Sessions
These can be available in addition to your nutrition appointments or as a stand alone. See breathwork page for more details.
You will need a minimum of 3 x weekly 1 hour sessions to learn how to apply the techniques to help yourself and to establish the habit of regular practice
Heartmath Session Prices
Individual: 3 x 1 hour sessions - £225
payable in full at the first session
Sunday workshop: 3 hour session - £60
Minimum of four people